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Prime Warframe Trading Prices

The price tables below are based on sell orders of Warframe Prime Sets on Warframe Market. The price of items with a small number of orders may fluctuate greatly.

Last updated: Dec 16

WarframeSelling PriceChange from Prev WeekChange from Prev Month
Vauban110↓ -10↓ -30
Nekros100= 0= 0
Mag90= 0↓ -10
Nyx90↑ 10↑ 10
Saryn90↑ 10= 0
Ember80= 0= 0
Loki80= 0↓ -10
Nova80= 0= 0
Ash80= 0= 0
Hydroid80↓ -10↓ -20
Limbo80= 0= 0
Frost70↓ -20↓ -30
Mirage70↓ -10↓ -10
Zephyr70= 0= 0
Wukong70= 0↓ -10
Octavia70= 0= 0
Volt60↓ -10↓ -20
Valkyr60= 0= 0
Oberon60= 0↓ -10
Mesa60= 0= 0
Titania60= 0= 0
Nidus60↓ -20↓ -10
Xaku60= 0↓ -40
Rhino50= 0↑ 10
Banshee50↓ -10↓ -10
Chroma50↓ -10↓ -10
Equinox50↓ -10↓ -10
Atlas50↓ -10↓ -10
Inaros50= 0↑ 10
Nezha50↓ -10↓ -10
Gara50↓ -10↓ -10
Khora50= 0↑ 10
Trinity40= 0= 0
Ivara40= 0↓ -10
Harrow40= 0= 0
Garuda40= 0= 0
Sevagoth40= 0= 0
Revenant30= 0= 0
Baruuk30= 0↑ 10
Wisp30= 0= 0
Protea30= 0↓ -10
Hildryn20= 0= 0
Grendel20↓ -10↓ -10
Gauss20= 0↓ -10
WarframeSelling PriceChange from Prev WeekChange from Prev Month
Vauban120↓ -30= 0
Nekros100= 0= 0
Mag90= 0↓ -10
Loki90= 0= 0
Frost80↓ -10↓ -10
Ember80= 0↑ 10
Ash80= 0= 0
Saryn80= 0↓ -10
Nyx70= 0= 0
Nova70= 0= 0
Volt70= 0↓ -10
Hydroid70↓ -20↓ -20
Mirage70= 0= 0
Limbo70↓ -10↓ -10
Wukong70= 0= 0
Valkyr60↑ 10↑ 20
Oberon60= 0↓ -10
Zephyr60↓ -10= 0
Mesa60= 0= 0
Octavia60= 0↑ 10
Nidus60↓ -10↓ -10
Xaku60= 0↓ -50
Rhino50= 0↑ 10
Banshee50↓ -10↓ -10
Chroma50= 0↑ 10
Equinox50↓ -10= 0
Nezha50= 0= 0
Gara50= 0= 0
Trinity40↑ 10= 0
Atlas40↓ -10= 0
Ivara40= 0↓ -20
Titania40↓ -30↓ -20
Inaros40= 0= 0
Garuda40= 0= 0
Khora40= 0= 0
Sevagoth40= 0= 0
Harrow30= 0= 0
Revenant30= 0= 0
Baruuk30= 0↑ 10
Protea30↓ -10↓ -10
Hildryn20= 0= 0
Wisp20↓ -10↓ -10
Grendel20↓ -10↓ -10
Gauss20= 0↓ -10
WarframeSelling PriceChange from Prev WeekChange from Prev Month
Loki150↑ 50↓ -30
Vauban140= 0= 0
Mag120↑ 10↑ 10
Saryn120↑ 10↑ 10
Frost110↑ 10↑ 10
Nekros110↑ 10= 0
Hydroid100= 0= 0
Ember90↑ 10↑ 20
Nyx90= 0↑ 10
Nova80= 0= 0
Volt80= 0↓ -10
Ash80= 0↓ -10
Mirage80= 0= 0
Limbo80= 0= 0
Nidus80↑ 10= 0
Oberon70= 0↓ -10
Zephyr70= 0= 0
Wukong70= 0↓ -10
Titania70↑ 10↑ 10
Octavia70= 0↑ 10
Xaku70↑ 10↓ -50
Valkyr60= 0↓ -10
Atlas60= 0= 0
Inaros60↑ 10↑ 20
Rhino50= 0= 0
Banshee50= 0↓ -10
Chroma50= 0= 0
Mesa50↓ -10↓ -10
Equinox50↓ -10↓ -10
Ivara50= 0= 0
Nezha50= 0↓ -10
Gara50= 0↓ -10
Garuda50= 0= 0
Khora50= 0↑ 10
Trinity40= 0= 0
Protea40= 0= 0
Sevagoth40= 0↓ -20
Harrow30= 0↓ -10
Revenant30= 0= 0
Baruuk30= 0↑ 10
Wisp30= 0= 0
Grendel30= 0= 0
Hildryn20= 0= 0
Gauss20= 0↓ -10
WarframeSelling PriceChange from Prev WeekChange from Prev Month
Vauban260= 0= 0
Frost200= 0= 0
Loki200↑ 20↑ 30
Mag190↓ -10↑ 50
Nekros180↑ 30↓ -20
Saryn150↓ -50↓ -50
Valkyr150= 0↑ 50
Ash120= 0= 0
Hydroid120↑ 20= 0
Nyx100= 0= 0
Nova100= 0= 0
Volt100= 0↓ -20
Zephyr100↑ 10↑ 20
Mirage90= 0↑ 20
Limbo90= 0↓ -30
Equinox90= 0↓ -10
Wukong90= 0↑ 10
Titania90= 0↑ 20
Ember80= 0= 0
Rhino80= 0↑ 40
Inaros80↑ 10↑ 30
Nezha80= 0= 0
Nidus80= 0= 0
Trinity70= 0= 0
Oberon70↓ -20↓ -50
Chroma70↓ -20↑ 10
Mesa70= 0↓ -10
Atlas70↓ -20↓ -10
Octavia70= 0= 0
Gara70= 0= 0
Garuda70↓ -10↑ 10
Xaku70= 0↓ -70
Banshee60= 0= 0
Ivara60= 0= 0
Khora60= 0↑ 20
Protea50↑ 10= 0
Sevagoth50= 0= 0
Harrow40= 0↑ 10
Baruuk40↑ 10= 0
Grendel40= 0= 0
Revenant30= 0↑ 10
Wisp30↓ -10= 0
Gauss30= 0= 0
Hildryn20= 0= 0

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