
Warframe Solo Blog


Concentrated Arrow Ivara Build for the Steel Path Circuit

This Ivara build can do level cap runs without using other weapons in the Steel Path Circuit. The explosion of Concentrated Arrow can deal enough damage to defeat even Lv.9999 enemies with the help of Decrees, but some aiming skills are required to headshot.

Although, relatively speaking, the build is suitable for solo play due to the invisibility of Prowl and internet lag that makes it harder to headshot, high-level Excavations will be easier if you cooperate with defensive frames. However, when using it in a squad, it is necessary to keep in mind that there are abilities that are not compatible with headshots such as Vauban’s Vortex.

Youtube Link:

[Warframe] Concentrated Arrow Ivara | Steel Path Circuit | Solo Level Cap (Patch 33.5.3)

Primed Bane of Corrupted→Primed Cryo Rounds
Add Unairu, Decrees and Jackal



Required: critical and hard to find a simple alternative

Recommended: high priority, but can be removed or alternatives exist

Optional: contribute only modestly or depend on preference

Alternative: main alternatives to “Recommended” and “Optional”

Ivara Prime

Concentrated Arrow Ivara Build for the Steel Path Circuit

Note: The Primed variants of the Archon Mods are used in the above video.

Concentrated Arrow

It is the core of this build, which turns Artemis Bow into an AoE weapon.

Overextended, Stretch, Augur Reach, Cunning Drift

Since Ability Range affects all abilities used and can’t be enhanced by Decrees, they should be equipped as many as possible.

Transient Fortitude, Growing Power, Umbral Intensify, Molt Vigor, Molt Augmented, Crimson Archon Shards (Ability Strength)

Given the early stage with few Decrees, it is better to offset the reduction of Overextended to some extent. There is also the advantage that Prowl has a 100% chance of steeling items with 100% Ability Strength or more.

Archon (Primed) Flow, Streamline, Azure Archon Shards (Energy Max), Fleeting Expertise

Primed Flow has a higher priority in the Circuit because of Endurance Intrinsic “Restorative Decree” and Proficient Fighter, which increases Ability Efficiency that there are the cap of 175% or 190%. It is better to increase Ability Efficiency more if you are lazy to use Restorative Decree consciously and often use CC abilities from the beginning.

The additional effect of Archon Flow can be activated by acquiring Critical Frost, but the impact should not be large.

Arcane Energize, Amber Archon Shards (Effectiveness on Energy Orbs)

Energy Orbs and Restorative Decree are the main source of energy during Prowl because things like Morale Boost and Zenurik’s Wellspring have no effect. You should also be able to substitute higher Ability Efficiency with Fleeting Expertise, using Emergence Dissipate, or storing more Decrees for Restorative Decree.

Archon (Primed) Continuity, Constitution, Augur Message, Molt Efficiency, Crimson Archon Shards (Ability Duration)

They affect Prowl’s energy drain and steel time, as well as the duration of Sleep Arrow and Breach Surge.

The additional effect of Archon Continuity can be activated by acquiring Bombastine’s Malice, but that is also unlikely to make much impact.

Arcane Ice, Rolling Guard, Rapid Resistance

Since damage received is basically sporadic thanks to Prowl, mainly Status Effects that deal damage can inflict damage to your Health beyond Shield Gating. Rolling Guard is a standard countermeasure against Status Effects, but it is not suitable if you use a lot of rolling to move during Prowl. Other options are Arcane Ice, which provides resistance to Heat procs by Arson Eximus, and Rapid Resistance, which reduces Status Duration and prevents you from taking damage from Status Effects with full Shield Gating. There is also an option to rely on Endurance Intrinsic “Cheat Death” and not use them at all.

Primed Sure Footed, Handspring

It’s adopted to reduce immobile time in preparation for high-level Defense but less important as chances of getting knockdown are low. However, they are recommended if you plan to deal with Heat Status Effects by Arson Eximus with Rolling Guard or Vazarin’s Protective Sling.

Arcane Rage

The requirement is same as Concentrated Arrow, and it is one of your options if you have enough Ability Strength.

Amber Archon Shards (Casting Speed)

There is room for the adoption mainly to shorten Breach Surge.


Breach Surge

It’s an effective CC to enemies with Overguard and essential for high-level Defense. Stopping enemies movement and the visual effects make it easier to headshot, but the motion that covers their heads can get in the way. Since it also needs line of sight, you should use it and Sleep Arrow properly depending on the situation.

Artemis Bow

Artemis Bow Build of Concentrated Arrow Ivara for the Steel Path Circuit

Internal Bleeding

The explosion of Concentrated Arrow has a 0% Status Chance but inflicts a guaranteed Impact proc. Slash Status Effects can deal damage ignoring the enemy’s Armor, and Status Effects that deal damage are powerful in the Circuit thanks to Decrees.

Serration, Heavy Caliber

The base damage can be increased with Combat Intrinsic “Deadly Decrees” and some Decrees, but there is probably no need to open the slot for other mods because the number of useful mods is limited. If you intend to use Heavy Caliber, you may want to consider adjusting its rank due to the disadvantage.

Galvanized Chamber, Vigilante Armaments

Critical Delay, Vital Sense, Hammer Shot

Critical Delay’s reducing Fire Rate doesn’t matter Because Concentrated Arrow’s charging only affects projectile speed.

Primed Firestorm

It increase the explosion radius of Concentrated Arrow as same as Ability Range Mods.

Primed Cryo Rounds

Cold damage can trigger Archon Flow and it increases the direct damage by 2.65x. Furthermore, you can inflict Viral procs on direct hits when getting Baneful Harmony.

Primed Bane of Corrupted

It increases the damage of Slash procs by about 2.4x to Corrupted enemies but has no effect on Thrax, Dax and Jackal.

Malignant Force

Combining with Primed Cryo Rounds to inflict Viral proc is also an option because the toughest enemy, Jackal’s DPS resistance excludes the damage increase with Viral Status Effect.


Vigilante Armaments, Vigilante Fervor, Vigilante Offense, Vigilante Supplies

The Set Bonus affects Artemis Bow.

Focus School


As Jackal is immune to the damage of Status Effects, it is important to remove his armor with Caustic Strike. You can also strip the armor with Shattering Impact to use other Focus Schools.


Since Prowl and Artemis Bow continue to refer to the Ability Strength when activated, Sling Strength can be used to easily enhance them. Nevertheless, Prowl doesn’t necessarily need to be enhanced because Headshot bonus doesn’t affect the explosion damage.


Protective Sling can make your frame invulnerable and heal Defense Objects slightly.

Operator Arcane

These are useful to some extent but not necessary.

Emergence Dissipate

Its Energy Motes can replenish Ivara’s energy during Prowl.

Magus Lockdown

It can hold enemies without consuming energy and makes it easier to aim their head.



Importance: Red > Blue > Brown

Not Recommended: Green

Close Contagion

At the moment enemies are inflicted with a Status Effect, they have a 50% chance that all Status types on them will spread to other enemies. Spreading Slash Status Effects inflicts massive damage to enemies.

Baneful Harmony

Combined with Critical Frost, inflicting Viral procs widely is especially powerful.

Twofold Torment

The damage of Slash procs is doubled.

Brimon’s Nerve

It alone grants +200% Ability Strength, and the Prowl and Artemis Bow can reflect the updated Ability Strength permanently until they are deactivated. Sleep Arrow can make enemies open to Finishers.

Proficient Fighter, Envious Economy, Bounce Back

More energy-oriented build than above makes their priority lower. Prowl and Artemis Bow must be recast to reflect the updated Ability Efficiency. The fire of Artemis Bow and Quiver using the secondary fire button are not counted as ability casts.

Critical Frost

Additional Cold Damage and Status meet requirement of Archon Flow, Shattering Frost, and Baneful Harmony. Wyrmling’s Aid is better on additional damage, but it is worth getting at least rank 0 for Baneful Harmony.

Fortified Will

Although the number of increase by itself is insignificant, it can greatly increase Ability Strength in combination with other Decrees. The abilities also must be recast to reflect the updated Ability Strength.

Tamm’s Fortune, Corrosive Grit

They increase Ivara’s Armor, and that leads to increasing her Ability Strength with Fortified Will. Activating Corrosive Grit requires Wyrmling’s Aid, Scornful Cast, or Salted Wound.

Wyrmling’s Aid

It adds extra damage to not only the direct damage but also the damage of Status Effects from shots. In addition, Corrosive Status Effects temporarily degrades the enemy’s Armor and activate Corrosive Grit.

Bombastine’s Malice

It is a powerful AoE albeit its randomness, and its requirement is same as Concentrated Arrow.

Vicious Barb, Critical Roll

The amount of damage increase is not large due to their additive stacking with Critical Damage Mods.

Fearsome Bonanza, Deadly Momentum, Between the Eyes, Shattering Frost, Kexat’s Pounce

They increase the base damage and the damage of Slash procs.

Luscinia’s Suffering

The requirements of Fearsome Bonanza and Shattering Frost are met while Cold Status Effects play a role of CC.

Tactical Repositioning

It is able to recover not only Health but also Shields, and recovering partial Shields provides incomplete Shield Gating.


You can move fast even during Prowl.

Dominus Temper

It increases the base damage slightly.

Scornful Cast, Salted Wound

They are substitutions of Wyrmling’s Aid to activate Corrosive Grit.

Churlish Chatter

Arrows spread out like they were fired from a shotgun and aiming at enemies’ head from a distance become hard.

Mercurial Bent

Since Status Chance is worthless in this build, it just gives you the disadvantage of halving Status Duration.

Fragile Vanity

It increases the base damage before applying Mods at the cost of Armor, but the amount of increase is small compared to Artemis Bow’s base damage of 240. You can choose it if you’ve already used Fortified Will or it doesn’t appear at all.


・As Jackal does not take damage from explosions of Concentrated Arrow and Slash Status Effects, armor removal is a prerequisite. In preparation for much energy consumption, it is a good idea to save a couple of Decrees for Restorative Decree.

・You can defeat him faster if you can inflict Viral procs with other weapons including Operator Amps.

・When avoiding Grid Wall in Void Mode, it is recommended to turn off Prowl at high levels because you have not an invincibility but a 90% damage reduction during it.

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