Operator & Amp Builds for the Steel Path Circuit Level Cap
Operator and amp builds that can defeat even armored Lv.9999 enemies in combination with Decrees.
As long as you choose a frame that can protect the Defense target, you can easily reach the level cap even with default mods.
Youtube Link:
[Warframe] Steel Path Circuit Level Cap | Default Mods Nyx + 743Amp [Patch 33.5.4]
[Warframe] Default Mods Frost + 743 Amp | the Steel Path Circuit | Solo Level Cap [Patch 33.0.14]
Update throughout
Virtuos Ghost→Tempo, Update Decrees, Add Nyx video.
Importance: Red > Blue > Brown
Alternatives: Black

Operator Arcanes
Magus Melt
In addition to simply increasing direct damage by about 3 times, Heat procs, which reduce target’s Armor and provide CC, strengthened by Decrees become a large source of damage.
Magus Lockdown
It provides CC while activating Magus Melt. It’s not very useful if you use persistent CC like Resonator, but other options are less appealing.
Magus Glitch
It is an option if you are not good at the Jackal fight, where revives during Last Gasp are limited due to only few enemies.
Operator Amps
Klamora, Lega Prism
Klamora has high DPS especially against a single enemy albeit a short range and can quickly earn a number of hits for Persistent Attrition.
Lega has a longer range with good energy consumption and high Status Chance but lower DPS. That is suitable for inflicting Void and Viral procs and enhancing Phahd Scaffold with Persistent Attrition and Irresistible Bombardment from medium range before you start to shoot Phahd Scaffold. In addition, it can be also used as a main weapon to kill enemies when you obtain both the Decrees.
Phahd Scaffold
It can deal large damage to a group of enemies with multiple hits from bounces and explosions and can hit a single target continuously with a Void proc.
Lohrin, Certus, Plaga Brace
Lohrin doubles the Status Chance of Phahd Scaffold while also increasing Critical Chance, making it easier to take advantage of powerful Decrees related to Status Effects. However, other braces will be also strong enough if many Decrees are acquired, so you should be able to use Certus in consideration of missions other than the Circuit. Plaga is also an option, especially if you haven’t unlocked Eternal Gaze and Inner Gaze, but its value has dropped slightly due to the addition of Nimble Gunner.
Amp Arcanes
Eternal Logistics
Energy consumption will be significantly improved, and Phahd Scaffold can fire from 7 to 21 shots in a row.
Virtuos Trojan (rank 0)
Although damage to Overguard is reduced by approximately 3%, and the probability of inflicting a Void proc is reduced by 24% when Magus Melt stacks 7 times, damage to Health is increased by up to 4.25x with Viral procs. That is not affected by Jackal’s DPS resistance. If you don’t use either Lega Prism or Lohrin Brace, you may want to consider ranking up.
Virtuos Shadow, Virtuos Strike
Jackal’s DPS resistance also excludes the damage increase with Critical hits. Virtuos Strike is easier to activate, but Critical Damage can also be strengthened with Decrees.
Virtuos Strike
You can also increase Critical Multiplier by Decrees, but it can be expected to be activated more consistently than Ghost and Shadow that require headshots.
Virtuos Tempo
You can get enough Fire Rate without picking Irresistible Bombardment, but it barely works in Assassination.
Focus School
Poise’s knockdown immunity makes it easier to shoot Phahd Scaffold at close range, and armor strip with Caustic Strike allows you to quickly kill Thrax, armored Eximus, and Jackal.
Close Contagion
At the moment enemies are inflicted with a Status Effect, they have a 50% chance that all Status types on them will spread to other enemies. You can quickly annihilate a group of enemies by spreading particularly damaging Status Effects. Void procs don’t spread.
Churlish Chatter
Since the glaive of Phahd Scaffold automatically bends toward enemies, the weapon accuracy loss doesn’t matter, and you can get only the benefit of +150% Multishot.
Persistent Attrition
Since the final damage is multiplied according to the number of hits, it greatly affects the time to kill enemies with Overguard and Armor including Jackal.
Mercurial Bent
Status Duration is halved but Status Chance is tripled, and as a result, the expected damage of Heat procs is increased by 1.5x. Besides, Status Chance is more valuable thanks to Close Contagion and the characteristic of Heat Status Effects that a new Heat stack refreshes the duration of all Heat stacks on the target.
Wyrmling’s Aid
It adds extra damage to not only the direct damage but also the damage of Status Effects from shots. In addition, Corrosive Status Effects temporarily degrades the enemy’s Armor.
Critical Frost
As it not only deals extra damage but also inflicts a guaranteed Cold proc on Critical, all Critical hits can trigger Close Contagion. Although it is inferior to Wyrmling’s Aid in terms of additional damage, it is valuable because Cold Status Effects strengthen Critical Damage, slow down enemies including Jackal, and trigger Baneful Harmony.
Twofold Torment
A tick of damage each second that a Heat proc deals is doubled and equal to a direct damage if the enemy’s resistance is not taken into account.
Vicious Barb, Critical Roll
They respectively give you a 100% and 40%~120% Critical Dagame bonus that additively stacks to other Critical Damage bonuses. The priority of getting them is slightly lower if you use other Critical Damage boosters such as Virtuos Strike.
Baneful Harmony
Although it has the drawback of being meaningless on its own, it can also inflict Viral procs when Critical Frost and Bombastine’s Malice is triggered.
Nimble Gunner
Combined with Eternal Logistics, Phahd Scaffold costs only 1 energy even at rank 1.
Irresistible Bombardment
There are few opportunities to receive the maximum benefit from it when you fire only Phahd Scaffold, whose base Fire Rate is not high, due to its short duration, but it is enough useful. If you use Virtuos Tempo, you don’t have to prioritize it that much.
Fearsome Bonanza, Deadly Momentum, Shattering Frost, Kexat’s Pounce, Dominus Temper, Between the Eyes
They increase the base damage like Deadly Decrees.
Bombastine’s Malice
Although the activation probability is not high, it is a valuable AoE attack and can be spread multiple times by virtue of Close Contagion.
Blazing Bombardment
It can deal additional damage mainly when you use the Prisms, and is expected to be useful against Jackal.
Luscinia’s Suffering
The requirements of Fearsome Bonanza and Shattering Frost are met while Cold Status Effects play a role of CC.
・If you can inflict Cold Status Effects, it is as easy as shooting the Prisms roughly. However, if not, you have to shoot while hiding from the edge of obstacles, or dodging the stomps by jumping after sneaking under Jackal with Void Mode. Lega is better suited for the former and Klamora is better suited for the latter. If you look from the left of an obstacle in the former way, using the Reverse Camera key (default H) makes it easier to shoot unilaterally.
・Unlike the damage increase of Viral Status Effects, that of Magus Melt is decreased by Jackal’s DPS resistance. Therefore, you may be able to defeat him faster when not stacking Magus Melt to avoid lowering the probability of inflicting Viral procs with Virtuos Trojan.
Thanks for this guide, really helped a lot to be independent from the loadout you get. i got most dmg and kills with this
Nice guide! I was wondering if Virtuous Trojan could be dropped for the heat one. After all, in a level cap run, you should already be getting the cold on crit + cold/toxin status also inflicts viral. Or maybe even use the puncture one since 5 puncture procs = 25% more critical chance, but that’s probably more for Lega Prism I guess.