Warframe Prime Release Order (Past & Future)
Prime Warframes are known to be released according to the following rules:
Principle 1: Prime Warframes come out in a Male–Male–Female–Female pattern.
Principle 2: The release order of Prime Warframes mostly follows that of Normal Warframes.
Exception to Principle 1: This is happening now for the first time, probably due to Xaku’s turn approaching.
Exception to Principle 2: The order may be swapped between frames of the same gender.
Past Release Order
・The bold texts indicate the Exception to Principle 2.
・The black boxes mean those frames were implemented simultaneously.
・The red box is the Exception to Principle 1.
Normal | Prime |
Excalibur | Excalibur |
Rhino | Frost |
Mag | Mag |
Ember | Ember |
Loki | Rhino |
Volt | Loki |
Ash | Nyx |
Trinity | Nova |
Frost | Volt |
Nyx | Ash |
Banshee | Trinity |
Saryn | Saryn |
Vauban | Vauban |
Nova | Nekros |
Nekros | Valkyr |
Valkyr | Banshee |
Oberon | Oberon |
Zephyr | Hydroid |
Hydroid | Mirage |
Mirage | Zephyr |
Limbo | Limbo |
Mesa | Chroma |
Chroma | Mesa |
Equinox | Equinox |
Atlas | Wukong |
Wukong | Atlas |
Ivara | Ivara |
Nezha | Titania |
Inaros | Inaros |
Titania | Nezha |
Nidus | Octavia |
Octavia | Gara |
Harrow | Nidus |
Gara | Harrow |
Khora | Garuda |
Revenant | Khora |
Garuda | Revenant |
Baruuk | Baruuk |
Hildryn | Hildryn |
Wisp | Wisp |
Gauss | Grendel |
Grendel | Gauss |
Protea | Protea |
Xaku | Sevagoth |
Lavos | Xaku |
Sevagoth | Lavos |
Next Primes
Not announced
Predicted Release Order
Due to the Sevagoth Prime announcement at TennoCon 2024, the Principle 1 has been broken in an unexpected way. It will be impossible to make any well-founded predictions for some time.
Just my personal guess is that only the order around Xaku will change to Protea→Sevagoth→Xaku→Lavos→Yareli, and then it will go back to the Male–Male–Female–Female pattern.
Normal | Prime | Scheduled Prime release |
Yareli | Yareli | Spring 2025 |
Caliban | Caliban | Summer 2025 |
Gyre | Styanax | Autumn 2025 |
Styanax | Gyre | Winter 2025 |
Voruna | Voruna | Spring 2026 |
Citrine | Kullervo | Summer 2026 |
Kullervo | Qorvex | Autumn 2026 |
Dagath | Citrine | Winter 2026 |
Qorvex | Dagath | Spring 2027 |
Dante | Dante | Summer 2027 |
Jade | Cyte-09 | Autumn 2027 |
Koumei | Jade | Winter 2027 |
Cyte-09 | Koumei | Spring 2028 |
・Since the table above does not take into account the Exception to Principle 2, the actual release order will vary partially.
Prime Weapons
Past Release Order
With the exception of Gara’s Fusilai, who has 3 signature weapons , all signature weapons have been primed since Atlas Prime. Only signature weapons are summarized below because predicting prime weapons other than signature weapons is difficult.
Warframe | Weapon |
Yareli | Kompressa |
Caliban | Venato |
Gyre | Alternox |
Styanax | Afentis |
Voruna | Perigale, Sarofang |
Citrine | Steflos, Corufell |
Kullervo | Rauta |
Dagath | Dorrclave |
Qorvex | Mandonel |
Dante | Ruvox |
Jade | Evensong, Cantare, Harmony |
Koumei | Higasa, Amanata |
Cyte-09 | Reconifex |
Whoever is responsible for this is a truly gigachad!
Such a good list thank you so much. But personally I can see it going protea, yareli, Xaku, larvos, sevagoth. Just a thought.
I think its likely that the order will be Protea, Xaku, Lavos, Sevagoth, Yareli because Xaku took a female “slot” in the original order, but I suppose we will see later this year.
Well the next prime has been confirmed as sevagoth which was announced at tennocon 2024 I believe that they are changing how they release primes instead of the male male female female they are just doing release date because of xaku not having a gender